1. 上帝要改變人以前,必先改變人的意志。上帝以完全的愛幫助人,但是並不幫助人自己的意志。所以驕傲的人能夠謙卑,是上帝在人身上工作的第一步。
2. 我們經常會發現,把一件困難的事情做好,最後的一個方法是:在上帝面前,把事情放下來。
3. 真實的信仰是視人性為真實,虛假的信仰是視人性為虛幻。
4. 認識上帝卻不認識自己的罪惡,與認識自己的罪惡卻不認識上帝,二者同樣危險;因此,上帝必須向前者隱藏,向後者顯現。
5. 人是何等的虛空,為芝麻小事難過,又為芝麻小事快樂。
6. 智慧引導我們回轉像小孩。
7. 獲得權力的方法!如果是追隨眾人的喜好,而非公義的原則,那麼愈有權力的地方,就愈找不到正直的人。
8. 輿論不像權力能夠管理世界,但是能夠監督權力之用。
9. 錯誤的敬虔是只要平安不要真理,或是只要真理不要愛。
10. 信仰偏差的兩大主因:經文過度拘泥字句,化萬事過度靈意解。
11. 一個人如果宣稱,對上帝必須理解清楚才能相信,那他將永遠無法有真正的信心。信仰有些地方,不是知道,而是內心深處對上帝的體會。
“A Mathematics genius” with clear reasoning and a burning heart - Blaise Pascal was born 1623 – 1662
Meditation Page
1. A man’s will must firstly be changed by God before he can be changed. God helps man with His perfect love but not his will. So the first step that God will work on man is for the proud to become humble.
2. We often discover to accomplish a difficult task, the last solution is to lay it down before God.
3. A true faith sees human nature is real. A false faith sees human nature is illusion.
4. Knowing God but not self sins or knowing self sins but not God. Both are equally dangerous. Hence, God must hide in the former and reveal in the latter.
5. People are so meaningless to be sorry for petty things and happy for petty things.
6. Wisdom leads our way back to be liked a child.
7. A method to gain authority! If merely follow the liking of the crowd but not the principles of righteousness. The higher the authority places are, the lesser the righteous people be found.
8. Public opinion is not liked authority that can govern the world but can supervise the use of power.
9. A wrong devoutness wants peace only and not truth or wants the truth only and not love.
10. Two main reasons of deviation in faith: the words in the sentence are too narrowly interpreted out of context and general passages are over spiritually interpreted.
11. If a person claims to believe only when comprehends God so clearly, he will never have real faith. Some places of faith are not through knowing but experiencing God deeply within your heart.
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愛.是永不止息! 愛.能征服一切!
LOVE never fails! LOVE can overcome all!