2016年9月7日 星期三

音樂引領人心遇見上帝- George Frideric Handel 亨德爾 (1685 - 1759)

於1759年4月,這位偉大的音樂家不顧久病和失明,再度站上了倫敦皇家劇院的舞臺,親自主持指揮《彌賽亞》的演出,亨德爾昏倒了在指揮臺上,8天后,與世長辭,享年74歲。他被熱愛他的英國人按其遺願安葬於倫敦威斯敏斯特大教堂,墓碑上刻著 《彌賽亞》“我知道我的救贖主活著”。在亨德爾死後英國沒有出現什麼大音樂家,在他死後所掀起的亨德爾熱持續一個世紀。








Music leads a man’s heart to meet God - George Frideric Handel was born in 1685 -1759

In April 1759, a great music composer, Handel despite his long illness and blindness attended for the last time the performance of the Messiah at Royal Opera House in London. He fainted on stage and passed away eight days later at the age of 74. He was buried in Westminster Abbey in London with his tombstone engraved “Messiah” with “I know my Redeemer lives”. After his death, there was hardly any greater music composer emerging in Britain and an upsurge of Handel lasted for a century.

During the Baroque era, there were as many music pieces as stars. Amongst them was three pieces of Oratorio with the theme on the story of salvation from the Bible. In the history of music, Johnpassion 1723, Matthäuspassion 1729 and Messiah by Handel are publicly known and accepted as imperishable masterpieces. Due to different philosophy of composers, these pieces were presented in various faces.

Handel’s Messiah are popular in theatres; it objectively describes the life of Jesus and the process of crucifixion and salvation making the gospel performance on stage and the biblical stories to reach dramatic new heights. An authoritative figure in the music industry said, “Handel is the musical master of masters. I am in total submission to him because he made use of simple notes to produce the greatest effect”. Simple but popular and exquisite but thorough are two contrasting elements. Handel’s greatest charm was to be able to combine the transcendence of religious faith and the aesthetic of secular beliefs together as one. Such music still remains universally popular without a break even after two and half century.

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