2016年9月8日 星期四

中國需要我,熱帶醫學之父 - 培特瑞克•梅森 Patrick Manson (1844 - 1922)

親愛的依莎貝爾小姐,這也許是我給你的最後一封信了。當倫敦午夜的霧笛響起,就是我要離開的時間,再度回到中國,我日夜夢回的所在。成千上萬的中國人,染著可怕致死的嗜血絲蟲、血吸蟲、瘧疾,在還沒有認識耶穌基督的救恩前,病魔就先奪去了他們的性命。中國需要我!藉著高明的醫術,移去他們的封閉與保守…… 親愛的依莎貝爾,滿了如火熱情的我,在短短相聚的十個月裡,不是在圖書館裡苦讀,就沉湎在顯微鏡前,很少對你細語呢喃,情話深訴,真是滿心的歉疚。對中國人苦難的負擔,使我無法扮演一個好情人。但是,如果回到福音的戰場,你將發現我是全力以赴的一流戰士。親愛的,你願意來中國嗎?』


生命影響生命 - 李鴻章與孫中山




China needs me, Father of Tropical Medicine - Patrick Manson was born in 1844 – 1922

Dear Ms Isabelle, perhaps this is my last letter to you. When the midnight foghorn is blown in London, this is the time of my departure for returning to China. This is my dream where I want myself to be. Thousands of Chinese are inflicted with Filarial, Schistosoma, malaria which are fatal disease to take their life even before they come to know the salvation of Jesus Christ. he devil of death takes away their life. China needs me! From my medical skills, I can remove their closeness and conservatism. Dear Isabelle, I, being filled with passion, spent our shortest 10 months which either I studied hard in the library or submerged in the microscope instead of sharing intimate time with you and pouring my heart to you. I am full of regrets. In view of my suffering burden for the Chinese, I am prohibited to perform as a good lover. Nevertheless, if returning to the battlefield for the gospel, you will discover me to be a brilliant warrior with all my strength. My dear, are you willing to come to China?

On 21 December 1875, Ms Isabelle took the cruise to Xiamen, China and was married to Dr Manson. As a consequence of the hard work of this young couple, many horrific and contagious diseases in the Pacific Ocean coastal islands rarely recurred in those days.

Life affecting life to – General Li Hung Zhang and Dr Sun Yat Sen

In 1887 Li was inflicted with tongue disease, many local Chinese doctors were helpless. Dr Manson was then fairly popular. Li wanted Manson to go and heal him. During those days, Manson was suffering from gout so serious that he could hardly stand up. But he knew if he could heal Li this figurehead, China would then embrace western medicine. Hence he bore the pain and travelled 1800 miles to Beijing. Li was finally healed and because of that Chinese greatly eliminated their anxiety and rejection towards western medicine.

Manson realised that this was the best time to establish medical school to train more Chinese. He went to Hong Kong and established Hong Kong College of Medicine (the predecessor of the University of Hong Kong) and assigned James Cantlie as Provost to accept man and woman as students. In 1892, the first group of students graduated and amongst them a student named Dr Sun Yat Sen. He then became the founding Father of People Republic of China. Dr Manson had contributed enormously to China.

Dr Manson died of illness on 9 April 1922. In his will, he gave all his wealth towards setting up scholarship to support those students conducting researches on “Tropical Disease” so that waves of new bloods continue to enter into many under-developed places.

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愛.是永不止息!   愛.能征服一切!
LOVE never fails! LOVE can overcome all!

