一天早晨,我向上帝問道:『祢創造宇宙的目的是什麼呢?』神回答說:『你要的太多了!你的智慧太有限了,如何能懂這個問題的答案呢?』。 我又向神問道:『那祢創造人的目的是什麼呢?』神回答說:『你這個小傢伙,你仍然要的太多了!然後,我又問道:『那麼神啊!祢創造花生的目的是什麼呢?』神回答說:『這才差不多。』然後我回到實驗室,嘗試瞭解:什麼是花生?以及,神為什麼要創造花生?在花生中找到了三百種以上的應用方法,包括花生牛奶、花生咖啡、麵粉、墨水、染料、肥皂、化妝品、油氈、食用品、醫學用品等,而聞名於世。
他在離開學校以前,寫道:『我生命最大的意義是能夠幫助我的同胞。這麼多年來的接受教育,主要的目的在説明我達到這一個目標。我深深地感覺到,教育彷佛是神給我的一把鑰匙,可以解開黑人貧窮的鎖鏈。』喀威爾對學生參與政治活動看的很清楚,他說:『學校的目的,在教育學生成為有用的人,社會只會照有用的人的建議去行。』又說:『我們不是要訓練學生去參加政治,那太單方面了。教育的目的,在訓練學生各方面的成長,像一隻手的五根手指,有一天步出校園後,能抓住社會給他的責任…… 倘若在學校太強調政治的學生,將來除了寄生於政治,別無生存之道。』有些基督徒也批評他,應該盼望放在未來的天國,怎麼在地上努力教人種花生?喀威爾回答說:『成為基督徒的目的之一,在説明別人,活出人真正的尊嚴與價值。』
One morning, I asked God, “what is the purpose of your creation of the universe?” God answered, “you are asking too much! Your wisdom is so limited. How you could understand the answer to this question.” I asked God again, ‘what is the purpose of your creation of mankind then.” God answered, “you little brat, you are still wanting too much”! Then I asked again, “oh God! What is the purpose of your creation of peanut?” God responded, “this is more like it”. I returned to the laboratory and tried to figure out “what is peanut? Any why would God create peanut? It is worldly known that out of peanut come more than 300 applications including peanut milk, peanut coffee, flour, ink, dye, soap, cosmetic, linoleum, food and medical supplies, etc.
He received countless awards in his life. Even the king of Invention, Edison offered one million US dollar to recruit him. He refused and continued to research peanut. His achievement helped uncountable black compatriots. During the period from 1940 to 1942, the US Government released five million hectare of land to southern blacks to grow peanut. Two American Presidents, Coolidge and Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi of India, great entrepreneur, Ford came to visit him in his tiny laboratory. Even Stalin, the dictator of Soviet Union invited him to be the Minister of Agriculture. Carver refused and rather remained in his little town all his life o serve God through peanut research.
The oldest student – read University at 30
Carver performed excellent at Iowa State University. He was the first black graduate who ever attained such remarkable academic results and was also the first black graduate in that University with Bachelor of Agriculture.
Prior to his leaving University, he wrote, “the greatest meaning of my life is to be able to help my compatriot. The main purpose of my receiving education for many years speaks out the attainment of this goal. I feel deeply that perhaps God gives me the key to unlock the chain of poverty to the black.” Carver clearly understands students towards participating in political activities. He said, “the purpose of school is to educate students to become useful people. The advancement of society follows only the suggestions from this useful people.” He added, “we do not train students to participate in politics. This is too unilateral. The purpose of education is to prepare students for all rounded development. Like the five fingers of a hand to take up the responsibility given by the society once they step out of the campus. If the schools over-emphasize politics to the students, there is no other way of living other than dwelling on politics only in the future.” Some Christians criticized him that he should have placed future hope on the kingdom of God rather than relentlessly teaching others to grow peanut? He replied, “one of the purposes of becoming a Christian is to show others to live out real dignity and value.”
Carver died on 5 January 1943 and was considered the conscience of the black in the 20th century. He was never married but dedicated his life to education. Someone asked him what was driving his motivation. He quietly said, “I get up at 4 o’clock in the morning to pray to God.”
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