約翰.紐頓John Newton 為他禱告,「我盼望並且相信主耶穌高舉了你,是為了祂的教會與我們國家的好處」,這個代禱成為威伯福斯一生的方向 ...廢除黑奴的奮鬥故事,多數基督徒可能聯想到約翰紐頓(John Newton)的聖詩,兩者的確有關連,因為威伯福斯在童年時已認識紐頓,而當威伯福斯在一七八五年信主後,曾想過放棄政治,全時間事奉神,因為他覺得「屬靈」的事比「世俗」的事更重要。那個時候其中一個鼓勵威伯福斯不要放棄的人就是紐頓(他本是參與販賣黑奴的,一七四八年決心信主並痛改前非,卅九歲那年成為牧師)。他讓威伯福斯明白,上帝要他留在政治界事奉祂。紐頓寫道:「我們……相信,上帝是為了國家的利益而興起你。」
John Newton made a prayer for Wilberforce, “I hope and trust the Lord Jesus will lift you up for His church and for the benefits of our country.” This intercessory prayer became the life-long direction of Wilberforce on his battle against slave trade, which amongst many Christians is reminiscent of the hymns written by John Newton. Both were indeed related because Wilberforce already knew John Newton in his childhood. When Wilberforce came to believe in God in 1785, he had thought to quit politics and serve God in full time ministry. He believed the “spiritual” affairs are more important than those of “secular”. One of the people during that time who encouraged Wilberforce not to relinquish was Newton (he was a slave trader himself before but in 1748 he decided to believe God and repented of what he did. He then became a pastor when he was 39). He helped Wilberforce to understand that God wanted him to stay in the arena of politics to serve Him. Newton wrote: “we believe God raised you up for the benefits of our country”.
In Western history, no great reformer like Wilberforce was ever so neglected. In fact, many had never heard his name in sharp contrast to the renowned emancipation of American slaves succeeded by President Lincoln. But the degree of his success was not lower than Lincoln for the least he successfully emancipated hundred thousands of black slaves without a shed of blood.
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